本鋼琴老師以最高榮譽於澳洲南昆士蘭州大學音樂系畢業。曾獲邀於當地大小音樂會演奏。師承澳洲音樂考試之主考官Wendy Lorenz, 精通音樂理論,鋼琴伴奏及獨奏 鋼琴老師 | 演奏

PTE Academic 英文速成補習 1️⃣ 導師成績: PTE 90 分 (滿分, 如圖), IELTS 8.5 2️⃣ 導師背景: 澳洲碩士生, 居澳 10 年, 能有效協助學生拿取 79+ 分數 3️⃣ 課堂內容: 1:1 考試策略與實戰, 港式英語改善, 免費包括 notes/past paper 4️⃣ 課堂費用: 首堂半價 (刊登價), 每堂 1 小時. 課堂亦可於 Zoom 進行

Track record: AL student from G to A* within 3.5 months, 12 years old student got 10A and A* in IGCSE
C教學進修 / 補習Catherine Ho

Our professional team is eager to provide creative yet practical ideas to make your dream come to reality.

PTE Academic 英文精讀班 [附過往試題] 1️⃣ 課堂內容: 考試策略與實戰, 改善港式英語, 免費包括 notes & past paper 2️⃣ 導師背景: PTE 90 分 (滿分), IELTS 8.5, 澳洲碩士生, 能有效協助學生拿取 79+ 級別分數 3️⃣ 費用: 首堂半價, 每堂 1 小時. 課堂亦可於 Zoom / Skype 進行 ✅ 另有提供 IELTS 訓練

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-Hung Hom -Seaview, open view -Top floor, sun lighting, spacious living room -80% new furniture -Gym, 2 swimming pools - 2 MTR 5 min walk -Continue lease till Mar 2021, renewable

Web India Solutions, a 9 year old creative hub of techies; who love to navigate through your ideas and make them virtual realities on any platform and with any theme you have in mind.

2016第68屆香港學校朗誦節,由專業朗誦教師輔導,提供一對一或小組授課課程,幫助學生在比賽中取得佳績;也可推薦學生參加校際朗誦比賽,讓學生充分發揮出才能!Provide Chinese Speech Festival Training to Students

綠悅工作坊 Sweet . Fun . Taste 3月至5月 錦上農莊半天遊 March to May 田園種植 烹飪班 活動 種植 採摘 耕田 士多啤梨 親子活動 BB活動 WORKSHOP 工作班

IB, IGCSE, GCSE, GCE AL, DSE ( Chem、 Physics、Maths ) - GUARANTEE A to A*
p教學進修 / 補習peterpoker7

Duties:Clean floors, windows & stairs (40 steps each time) by hand, no mop; 3 bathrooms plus shower stall. Iron clothes. Daily drive employer to dine out and return, SAFE driving & keep car clean.

we have wondered why the locals aren't all out sailing at every opportunity enjoying the second-to-none marine environment. Boat ownership seems to be just too big a hurdle in HK.

2016第68屆香港學校朗誦節及2017第二十三屆聖經朗誦節,由專業朗誦教師輔導,提供一對一或小組授課課程,幫助學生在比賽中取得佳績;也可推薦學生參加校際朗誦或聖經朗誦節比賽,讓學生充分發揮出才能!Provide Chinese Speech Festival and Bible Speech FestivalTraining to students

Private MANDARIN LESSONS at your office / home: 我們 是一支以普通話為母語的老師隊伍,導師具多年教學經驗,耐心誠懇,現教授的學生為名校學生,私人銀行,企業人士私人教學;專注需求,量體裁衣式教學,能讓您很快自信地說普通話,自在地表達暢所欲言。語言要多講多說多用, 而不是你學了一大堆理論,一開口卻張口結舌。
F教學進修 / 語言課程FlowMandarin.com

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商業 / 商業優惠NorthSun Group
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